Our vision is to be Australia’s leading clean energy business, inspiring pride and building value for our owners, our customers and our people.

About us - doing business with us

Who we are

Tasmanians are our owners, our most important customers, and the very people we were created to serve. For more than a century, Tasmanians have relied on hydropower to grow the economy and support communities. We now employ more than 1,300 people. Our vision and values are guided directly by our people, and shape how we make decisions, achieve our goals, serve our customers, work together and care for the environment.

Hydro Tasmania

Hydro Tasmania is Australia’s leading clean energy business, largest producer of renewable energy, and largest water manager. For more than a century, Tasmanians have relied on our hydropower to grow and support the state’s communities and economy.

Momentum Energy

Our electricity and gas retailer, Momentum Energy, is a leading supplier of electricity and gas solutions to business customers and residential markets across Australia, providing competitive rates and quality sustainable products and services.


Our consulting business, Entura delivers clever solutions in water and energy to clients locally, nationally and internationally.

Our values

  • We keep each other safe.
  • We are all about our customers.
  • We are better together.
  • We find a way.
  • We do the right thing.

Disability inclusion

Our disability inclusion commitment is outlined in our Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2020-2023.

Our four goals are:

  • Create more opportunities for people with disability to engage with us.
  • Increase employment opportunities for people with disability.
  • Change community attitudes towards people with disability.
  • Create more inclusive systems and processes.

You can access our Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2020-2023 in PDF form or Word format.