12 Days of recreation sites!

24 December 2021

In the spirit of the silly season, here’s the 12 days of recreation sites to guide you through our campgrounds, boat ramps and other sites which have recently been upgraded.

Trevallyn Dam

Water, water everywhere...

27 February 2020

This past January, after we announced a series of planned water releases from some of our dams for the annual Paddle Week rafting and kayaking events, we had a few questions about whether this may have affected the drinking water restrictions announced by TasWater in late 2019.

NRM NOrth Tamar

Muddying the waters – managing sedimentation in the kanamaluka / Tamar Estuary

28 October 2019

Anyone living in or around Launceston would be familiar with the flood of controversy surrounding the quality of water in the kanamaluka / Tamar estuary. But a new report has shown water

A half submersed hand holding baby eels

The eel deal

24 August 2018

Eels are amazing creatures, instinctively swimming up rivers to mature. That gets complicated when they get confronted with the wall of a hydro dam that’s about 30 metres high. But our aquatic scientists have come up with a novel solution.