27 May 2022
As Australia moves to rapidly decarbonise the National Electricity Market, opportunities have emerged for Hydro Tasmania to play a vital role in the low-carbon energy systems of the future. And that means using Tasmania’s water resources in a smarter way.
07 April 2022
Tasmania’s long history of hydropower will underpin our future. The Tarraleah hydropower scheme is a shining example of how our pioneering efforts have set us up beautifully to support today’s transitioning energy market.
24 November 2021
A wet spring has gifted Tasmania with very high levels of energy in storage, but the unprecedented events of 2016 are never far from our minds and storage is just one part of Tasmania’s energy security.
26 October 2021
The Flinders Island Hybrid Energy Hub is a groundbreaking project that’s placed Tasmanian innovation firmly on the national stage - demonstrating just how communities can readily adapt and embrace clean energy.
09 July 2021
Delve into the vital role of high voltage circuit breakers in our electricity supply and what makes them so attractive in the rodent world...
22 December 2020
Battery of the Nation is the solution to a looming problem in our national power grid - stability. Learn how with this easy crash-course in the laws of physics, market economics and how ‘synchronous’ generation with Tasmania’s turbines can help the mainland avoid blackouts.
18 November 2020
Looking after our existing power stations is the biggest part of Hydro Tasmania’s annual workload and budget. There are rolling schedules of maintenance and outages planned years in advance, which often take more than a year to complete. But even though we’ve been doing this for decades, there are sometimes still a few surprises in store.
06 May 2020
Sure our dams are impressive, but while you stand in awe of what's before you, you’re missing a whole world hidden below.
25 November 2019
Hydrogen is gaining unprecedented global attention as being a key enabler of a clean, secure and affordable energy future. But what is it? How does it work? And why is Tasmania a good place to make it?
07 November 2019
If your first thought here is a leather-clad rock chick, well, you’re certainly not alone, even if it’s just the two of us. One of us might even have trouble seeing the name Devils Gate Dam without bursting into a few bars of the song made famous by Suzi Quatro. But, there’s more to this than seventies nostalgia and ground-breaking female bass guitarists.
16 August 2019
If you are old enough to remember watching the Moon landing on your black and white television in 1969, you will remember it as a defining moment in our history. But what does this have to do with Hydro Tasmania?
29 May 2019
The Bass Strait islands are powered by world leading renewable microgrid technology. But just how do they work? Like any good explanation, let's start with a film analogy...
12 April 2019
Geotechnical investigations is the technical term for poking around in the ground to find out more about the soil, sub-surface structure and the rock layers beneath. And it’s ground breaking stuff… literally!
21 December 2018
If life begins at 40, as the saying goes, it began this year for one of our most iconic landmarks. But clocking up four decades of dedicated power generation for Tasmania had taken a toll so this year Gordon Power Station has undergone one of its biggest maintenance operations yet.
24 August 2018
Any water in a Hydro Tasmania dam is potential energy. We collect water in our dams then run it downhill to spin turbines creating energy. All that water sitting in our dams is like a big pool of electricity waiting for when it’s needed.
No not that Clooney. Our Cluny is about 30m tall, largely made of concrete and surprisingly about six years younger. Clearly, power stations deteriorate at a faster rate than Hollywood icons (arguably, they work a little harder), and the ‘work done’ here is closer to reconstructive surgery than your average aging actor face lift.
Historically the communities on Flinders and King Island have relied on diesel generators to keep the lights on, but that has changed thanks to our hybrid energy solutions.